Health Benefits of Turmeric
Turmeric has been used for thousands of years in India as a medicinal herb and spice. Turmeric contains compounds that are known to possess medicinal properties. Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric and it has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and very strong antioxidants. Today turmeric is promoted as a dietary supplement for a variety of health issues including respiratory infections, arthritis, digestive disorder, allergies, liver disease, and depression. Here is everything that helps you to understand turmeric.
What is turmeric
Turmeric is a plant that belongs to the ginger family, which originated in the southeast part of Asia and is grown for commercial purposes. Turmeric is a common spice that originates from the roots of Curcuma longa. Turmeric has a bitter taste, and warm feeling and is frequently used to flavor or color curry powders among other foods. Turmeric contains a compound chemical called curcumin that might reduce swelling.
Proven 11 health benefits of turmeric
Turmeric has been used in most Asian countries for medicinal purposes. It has been used for thousands of years to treat different kinds of diseases. Turmeric has a special compound that helps your body to be free from various types of diseases. Here are the top 11 proven health benefits of turmeric to your body.
Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory
Turmeric has been used since back century in Ayurvedic medicine and in the Southeastern part of Asia for medicinal purposes. Turmeric act as an anti-inflammatory, which not only reduces existing inflammation but can stop your body from producing chemicals that initiate inflammation. Turmeric’s primary component is curcumin interacts with molecules responsible for inflammation to reduce chronic or excess inflammation in your body. Some of the inflammation that is deactivated by turmeric include stomach ailments, arthritis, mouth sores, and pancreatitis.
Turmeric has anti-cancer properties.
Cancer has been scientifically proven as one of the leading deadly diseases in the world. You have been looking for a secure way you can prevent cancer diseases. Turmeric has been proven to possess anti-cancerous properties specifically for bowel, breast, stomach, and skin cancer cells. Inflammation has been linked with the growth of tumors in your body, the anti-inflammation compounds such as curcumin, which are found in turmeric play a key role in treating and preventing the growth of cancer cells. The special compound from turmeric act as an anti-cancer by disrupting the formation of cancerous cells at different stages in the cell cycle and causing the cells to die.
Turmeric helps in controlling blood sugar levels
The key active ingredient of turmeric, curcumin has been proven to help in lowering the rate of blood sugar levels in your body. The consumption of turmeric helps in treating and preventing various diseases that come as a result of blood sugar levels in your body. Turmeric will help your body to fight the development of diabetes. Curcumin which is contained in turmeric is important in improving insulin resistance, controlling blood sugar levels, and lowering blood lipids which are the fatty substances that are found in the blood hence helping the body fight against the formation of diabetes.
Turmeric is important for the heart
It has been proven that turmeric helps to improve cholesterol and blood pressure in your body. The high level of cholesterol and high blood pressure are the leading causes of heart diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. Turmeric plays an important role in lowering the level of cholesterol and blood [pressure in your body hence preventing you from getting cardiovascular diseases that may lead to death. The presence of curcumin in turmeric helps to improve the function of blood vessels and the thin membrane that covers the heart and blood vessels. The membrane plays a key role in regulating blood pressure and aging thus the consumption of turmeric helps protect against age-related loss of function and reduces the development of heart diseases.
Turmeric helps to ease symptoms of arthritis
When you eat turmeric, you help your body fight symptoms that are associated with arthritis-like body joint pain, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis. The painful symptoms that are associated with arthritis can cause serious disorders in your body including physical disability. The curcumin properties in turmeric are safe and effective in the treatment of arthritis. It has been proven that the anti-inflammatory compounds that are found in turmeric have potential and long-term effectiveness in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Since ancient times, turmeric has been used to treat diseases that are associated with arthritis and it has been very effective.
Turmeric helps with depression
Depression is one of the diseases that have increased the rate of mortality in the world. Depression has been associated to be one of the causes of serious diseases such as stroke. Taking turmeric helps you to reduce the depression symptoms even in patients who are already using antidepressants. The curcumin from turmeric helps in increasing levels of serotonin and dopamine, which are brain chemicals and are effective for your mood. The consumption of turmeric may help in responding better to the unexpected stress that led to depression and hence other complications in your body.
Turmeric aids in the liver function
The liver is one of the important organs in your body, and it plays key functions such as detoxification. The regular use of turmeric has been proven to be effective in improving the functions of the liver. Turmeric helps prevent the build-up of more fats in your liver. Turmeric has an important component that helps in breaking down the excess fat content in the liver. The presence of curcumin ingredient in turmeric has shown effectiveness in limiting damage to the liver from cirrhosis, ethanol, iron overdose, and carbon tetrachloride. It also helps your liver by improving the rate of detoxification and reducing the level of hepatic disorders.
Helps in improving the health of the skin
Glowing of skin has been your dream and you want to use natural methods? Turmeric has been proven to be effective in treating skin-related diseases. The benefits that turmeric has on your skin include the improvement of several skin conditions such as eczema, ulcers, wounds, and psoriasis. The presence of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties in turmeric provides good skin care and is associated with brightening the skin.
Helps in protection against virus
The attack of the virus in the body causes serious symptoms. The curcumin that is present in turmeric has the ability to enhance the responses of antibodies, which helps to respond to virus attacks. Turmeric plays a key role in the enhancement of the immune system in your body that easily helps in fighting the rate of virus-cell growth.
Turmeric protects your body from free radicals
Turmeric contains antioxidants that protect your body against damage caused by free radicals, a class of highly reactive atoms that are generated in our bodies and found in environmental pollutants like cigarette smoke and industrial chemicals. It is proven that too much exposure to free radicals can mess with your body’s fats, proteins, and DNA, which may lead to a number of common diseases including heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and Alzheimer’s. Therefore, the presence of antioxidants in turmeric plays a role in protecting you from free radical damage.
Improve the digestion process
The health benefit of turmeric is providing support to the stomach during digestion. The presence of curcumin, which is one of the best components in turmeric helps is making digestion to be quick. The compound is more beneficial in helping reduce the digestion disorders such as gas, bloating, and inflammatory bowel diseases. Turmeric also contains anti-inflammation properties that help to reduce the rate of inflammation during digestion. It is advisable to take the required amount of turmeric because when you consume in large amounts it can cause some side effects.
How to use turmeric
- Turmeric can be added to spice mixtures such as curry or barbecue rub. Turmeric flavors are unique and tasty when added to the food.
- You can use turmeric to make homemade oil, part vinegar, and seasoning to provide that attractive color and smell.
- You can use it as a supplement in form of powder-containing capsules, and fluids or you combine it with your diet directly.
Side effects of turmeric
Like any other medicine that provide good health to your body, turmeric has some side effects when consumed in a large amount. Some of the common side effects that are associated with turmeric include:
Upsetting the stomach
Turmeric improves the digestion of food in your body but when taken in large amounts it can cause irritation to the stomach. Turmeric stimulates the stomach to produce gastric acid which helps some people to have good digestion and creates negative impacts on those who consume in excess.
May cause bleeding
When turmeric is consumed at a large content it might lead to bleeding during the process of lowering the level of cholesterol and blood pressure in your body. Do not consume a high amount of turmeric to avoid the effect.
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